Let’s face it, we know that the Democrats are a bunch of hypocritical fools. But now that we have seen the Trump Administration in control, it really does make you wonder what they were thinking. Why would they vote for a party that constantly railed against government intervention? Why would they vote for a party that gave us Obamacare?

This post is going to go over all of the reasons why Democrats are hypocrites and why you should take everything they say with a grain of salt. We’re going to start with their love affair with big government. What do Democrats Hate the Most?

In 2008, Democrats were enraptured with candidate Barack Obama. He promised to return power to the people, and that he would create a system of transparency where the government could be held accountable. He also promised to make everyone’s life better. From 2008 until today, we have seen exactly what happens when there is too much government interference. Obamacare was never supposed to be good for anyone; it was supposed to be a temporary fix until we got our long-awaited universal healthcare system that would work just like Medicare.

What happened instead was that it made things worse for all of us. But let’s look at how far Democrats have gone. They have even gone as far as claiming that the government has a responsibility to make sure everyone has healthcare coverage. If a woman can’t afford her medication, then the government should give it to her, right? But that would only increase government spending, which they despise. Why not just ignore them and let them die? It is all up to the individual. When you get sick, you should be responsible for paying for your own care. The only person who should decide if you get health insurance is you! It is your body, your life, and your choice as an American citizen.

So, if the government is going to make everyone buy health insurance, then they should make everyone buy a gun. If you can’t afford a gun but want one for safety, then the government should give you one. After all, we know that guns are dangerous. In fact, according to Democrats, guns are so dangerous that we have to pass a law banning people from carrying them in public!

But if having a gun is dangerous, then why does the government trust citizens to own them? The answer is simple: because laws don’t stop criminals from committing crimes; they only punish innocent people who were never planning on doing anything wrong anyway! Gun control laws will do nothing but limit your personal freedoms. If you are a responsible gun owner, then the government shouldn’t be able to tell you what to do.

The Democrats have even gone as far as saying that it is important to get rid of ICE and that the agency should not exist. Why? Democrats say that the agency goes after “the wrong people.” In reality, ICE agents are only doing their job; they are protecting Americans from criminals who are trying to cross our borders and commit crimes against us.

We all want a safe country. If immigration laws aren’t being followed, then we need an agency like ICE to make sure that people who pose a threat do not get into the country.

What do you think the Democratic party has done that constitutes hypocritical? Contact us and let us know!


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