Alan Dershowitz is a well-respected lawyer and Harvard professor. He teaches the best and brightest legal minds in the entire country and he is on President Trump’s impeachment legal team. For all the liberal lawyers and professors the Democrats have produced to vouch for impeachment, most of them are not anywhere near as qualified as Professor Dershowitz. He’s a professor at Harvard after all!

So, are the Democrat puppets right?

No. But, if you never hear from President Trump’s brilliant legal minds like Professor Dershowitz you may be inclined to think they were. That’s why we are giving you the truth about impeachment and how the Democrats are wrong.

Listen to Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz Explain Why Trump Shouldn’t Be Impeached

During the impeachment trial, Professor Dershowitz was asked several questions about policy and if the president abused his power. This is what he had to say about the professors and lawyers who are advocating for the constitutionality of impeachment.

“If President Obama had been impeached the weight of. current scholarship would be in favor of my position…. These scholars are influenced by their own bias, their own politics and their views should be taken with that in mind. They do not give objective assessments of the constitutional history.”

Professor Dershowitz went on to say about Professor Tribe (one of the liberal professors Congress is using to justify impeachment) changing his mind on impeachment or getting “woke” to the idea that Trump should be impeached, “That’s not the type of scholarship that should influence your (the Senates) decision.”

According to Dershowitz, the Framers of the Constitution had to strike the balance between what is a serious crime that warrants impeachment and what doesn’t. The Framer’s didn’t intent to give Congress the ability to decide impeachment simply because they didn’t like the current president, or the president was in a different party than them. That’s exactly what is happening now.

The Democratic Congress doesn’t like President Trump and they are misinterpreting the Constitution to try and impeach him.

Professor Dershowitz has made it clear that they were not given that right in the Constitution because President Trump has not met the criteria for impeachment.

You can hear his entire testimony here and hear him give additional information about what the Framers intended when they wrote the Constitution of the United States.

A Harvard Professor is a Top Legal Mind in the Country

As a Harvard professor, Alan Dershowitz is a top legal mind in the country – this is undisputed So why would Democrats not listen to his legal opinion? Because, they are operating on a partisan bias and not interested in the truth. They want to impeach President Trump no matter what.

We the people, want the truth no matter what and are hoping that Republicans in the Senate are wise enough to listen to the testimony of such a well-respected scholar. Send a message to your senator and encourage them to vote no on impeachment.


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