#Me Too movement image http://bluehypocrisy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/abuse-art-awareness-622135.jpg

The “#Metoo” era has been going strong for more than a year, bringing down some of the most famous movie and TV personalities down from their positions in the public eye. In the last few days, presumptive Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh has faced a series of allegations of his alleged sexual misconduct during high school and college years. Democrats have launched themselves wholeheartedly into the “#Metoo” era with gusto while failing to remember many of their own have either faced sexual misconduct allegations or been shamed in public for their conduct.

Allegations of sexual assault are rightly shocking and frowned upon in all areas of society, but the current climate for using these stories for political gain looks set to backfire on liberals. Despite the image portrayed by much of the mainstream media, the hypocrisy of blaming Republicans and traditional conservatives for the majority of allegations simply does not hold water. Members of the Democratic party have seized on the allegations against Kavanaugh in a bid to limit his opportunities to begin work in the Supreme Court until after a Midterm elections cycle the left hopes will shift power in one of the chambers of government.

Looking back at recent history, one need look no further than the downfall of two prominent supporters of the Democrats in Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein, and Kevin Spacey. Spacey has seen his acclaimed career come crashing down around him under accusations of his lecherous behavior towards young men seeking his assistance to further their acting careers. Weinstein, on the other hand, is now classed as one of the worst sexual predators in the history of the U.S. for his campaign of sexual assault against many of the leading female stars of the 1990s and early 21st-century.

The most shocking part of the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party leaders is their willingness to work with those known to be sexual predators until they were revealed to the public. Harvey Weinstein, for example, was reported to have been fundraising for the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton until June 2016, despite the fact most in Hollywood was well aware of his behavior towards actresses including Ashley Judd and Rose Byrne over the last three decades, according to CNN. Both the Clintons and Obama’s have remained silent in the face of the growing number of sexual assault charges leveled against Harvey Weinstein since the early Fall of 2017.

Is it any wonder President Bill Clinton finds it difficult to enter the debate on sexual misconduct in the workplace with his own chequered history in this area. The most famous allegations against the Democrat President resulted in the creation of a special counsel to investigate his role resulting in the Starr Report. President Clinton was eventually proven to have lied under oath about his extramarital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky amid lurid revelations about her dress. However, what is less well known and hidden by Democrats in the media are the four women who have made allegations against the former President ranging from sexual harassment to rape. Business Insider reports Clinton has faced allegations of rape from A=Arkansas medical administrator Juanita Broaddrick since 1999 when she revealed her relationship with Clinton dated back to 1978.

Bill Clinton is not the only Democrat to face accusations of misconduct towards the opposite sex with historical documents showing the numerous affairs of President John F. Kennedy. Throughout the history of the Democratic Party in the 20th-century and early years of the 21st-century, left-leaning politicians have been found to cheat on their wives during some of the most important times in election years. As The Daily Caller reports, who can forget the revelations of John Edwards cheating on his wife dying of cancer?

Then, of course, there is Anthony Weiner, a politician destined to be undone by his admitted sex addiction and preference for texting naked pictures of himself to various women and one female minor. Of course, Republicans are not shameless in the new era we now live in, but for their sheer hypocrisy, those on the left seem to be far more impulsive and guilty than their peers on the right.






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