Russian architecture for Russia story

Looking back at the work of Donald Trump to build strong relationships between Russia and North Korea with the U.S., one would imagine the Administration would be praised for its peace-seeking efforts. Instead, Democrats act as if The White House is stepping completely outside the boundaries of recent foreign policy by negotiating with the Governments of Vladimir Putin and KimJong-Un. One could look at the foreign policy work of Democrat Presidents Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama, and see the hypocrisy of the current stance taken by the majority of left-leaning politicians in Washington.

The Cold War is often mentioned by Democrats looking to inflict damage to the work being done by the current President and Republicans have been discussing the issue of Democrat intolerance as far back as the second term of President Ronald Reagan. Duality and hypocrisy have always been rife on the left with the diplomacy of Reagan to bring down the Berlin Wall hijacked by liberals as early as 1992. President Reagan is reported by The New York Times to have joked about Democrat claims of bringing an end to the Cold War when every opportunity was taken to block the work being done to bring Moscow closer to Washington by members of the GOP.

One does not have to look too far back in history to see the ways liberals are showing their hypocrisy towards the peace process in Eastern Europe and Asia. Democrat politicians in Washington have recently been discussing the hardline stance President Obama took with both Putin and Kim Jong-Un, but the facts of the work of the previous Administration do not show a hard-line approach. In fact, before the arrival of President Trump in The White House, the liberal Administration was taking a rather soft approach to the financial and human rights record of Putin’s regime and allies.

Writing for the Brookings Institute, James Kirchick describes the approach to Russia on the left as “fecklessness.” Among the measures taken the previous Administration was the introduction of the Magnitsky Act tying economic sanctions to human rights abusers in Moscow, a measure the Russian President became so annoyed about he banned U.S. adoption of children from Russia. This is the basic misunderstanding of the meeting of Donald Trump Jr. with officials from the Kremlin during the 2016 election, a meeting tied to the Magnitsky Act and the repeal of Putin’s order to halt international adoptions.

Similar hypocrisy is seen in the approach to the peace deal with North Korea with left-leaning politicians who have called on The White House to make peace and avoid nuclear war suddenly siding with Foreign Policy advisor John Bolton. A little praise can be heaped on President Bill Clinton for attempting to agree on a similar framework for working on peace on the Korean Peninsula. Attempts to find a peaceful resolution in the 1990s were hampered by GOP petulance on a similar scale to that seen in the current political climate. For Democrat lawmakers to suddenly look for ways of having unlimited inspections of missile sites controlled by Pyongyang is a clause which will not be accepted by North Korean officials. Barring the path to peace when nuclear war seemed a certainty a few months ago would appear to go against everything the Democratic Party claims to stand for.

Without a doubt, the majority of plaudits for the move towards peace of North Korea should go to those in South Korea such as President Moon Jae-In who laid the foundations for the current negotiations. The response to the historic summit between the current President and the North Korean leader was typically negative on the part of Democrats, according to The Washington Times. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer described the agreements made between the two nations as “vague.” Both the President and Secretary Mike Pompeo disagreed, calling the agreement the start of the journey towards the elimination of aggression for the long-term. Senator Robert Menendez, a Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee compared the agreement to earlier deals with Pyongyang which had failed to bear fruit.


Why it’s hard to take Democrats seriously on Russia


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