Person Holding Gun

Today’s world of mass shooters and tragedy can be overwhelming. Not only does the public have to deal with emotional turmoil, but they are also forced to listen to politicians promoting their agendas. The politicians come out of the woodwork with a keen sense of what is wrong with the world, yet are unwilling to provide the resources to address the underlying problems, such as mental illness. Democrats want the public to think that only the guns are to blame. They forget that there are people behind those guns and that is where the help needs to be.

Most troubling is the number of liberals that emerge, creating fake news about how irresponsible Republican have been with gun control. They do not talk about measures to take to reduce the increasing number of shootings. These politicians take to the airways, disguised as journalists and blame everything on the NRA and the Republican agenda. They forget to tell the public that there are gun controls. However, if someone wants to illegally obtain a gun, they can. Furthermore, if a person has never been profiled as mentally ill, and there is no reason to prohibit a gun purchase, how can the government be mind readers?

When all those children were killed in the Parkland, FL massacre, the fake news could not get to the airwaves fast enough to espouse their gun control doctrine. Gun control is a fundamental difference in views between Republicans and Democrats. That does not mean that all the blame is placed on one party of the country. It means that they need to work together and realize that the Democrats were just as afraid as Republicans to reform gun control laws when they were in power. Many times, this fear arises from re-election aspirations. A politician may not want to be on the wrong side of public opinions, therefore, they might not stick up for what is right and what should be done.

The news is littered with gun control ideologies that hinge on the emotions of the American public. Seeing the victims of these mass shootings splashed all over the news is enough for people to say they want something done about gun control. This is especially true when gun control is all they hear about it, immediately following the event. And it is the perfect opportunity for liberals to tout their platform of gun reform. Even President Trump shows a willingness to make changes after the Parkland tragedy. Yet, the liberal news only focuses on what is not being accomplished or considered.

Instead of focusing on the matters that are really behind the mass shootings, like mental health, liberals always use the tragedies as a way to bring up gun control. The news should talk about the reasons behind the increased number of mass shootings. They should stop focusing on the special counsel that seems like they want to demonize our President. They should also forgo the intention to take back power in Congress, so impeachment charges can be levied upon the President because of the witch hunt perpetrated by the special counsel. Impeachment cannot even be a consideration unless the liberals take control of the Congress. If this happens, they will again have the opportunity to make changes in the root causes of mass shootings. But, instead they will probably spend their time talking about the special counsel investigation of the President and his possible impeachment.

Whether or not the liberals take back control of the Congress, more resources need to be committed to mental health, gun education, standards of gun laws across the country, and other measures that representatives from both sides can agree upon. Gone should be days of left and ride side. Our Congress is supposed to be a whole, not a fraction. And, without the two parties working together, these shootings will just continue and become worse. How many people must die before our government decides to work together for a common goal? The answer should be none. This can only happen if the liberals stop blaming everything on need gun control laws, especially since sometimes it is a law-abiding citizen, with no mental health history, that becomes the next shooter.



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